Make America Dumb Again…

By Ana Braga

If it’s about getting rid of the department of education or putting up the Ten Commandments in every classroom, the Trump Agenda 47 isn’t about raising children to become high intellectual beings. Agenda 47 is pretty close to Project 2025, both allegedly written by the Heritage Foundation. An agenda where the government dictates what books your children can read and what God to worship.

How did we get here? Seems like the sixty four thousand dollar question where there are several answers to it. If you ask a Trump supporter, they’ll tell you Trump is a Godsend, the chosen one. To these Trump supporters, he’s chosen to bring us back to a time where family values were protected and cherished. Where the nuclear family was the only option, where women dreamed of getting married and making babies while submitting to their husbands. Who convinced women that this was something appealing? As you can see, I have many questions. I’m not against the nuclear family, what I’m against is women not having a say in the matter and being brainwashed into believing there’s only one option for them.

Trump, the Heritage Foundation chosen one, seems to be the perfect choice to deliver the message. If you aren’t familiar with the Heritage Foundation, I would suggest you look them up. They’re a far right religious organization who gets to advise republican candidates to try and push their extreme Christian agenda.

Make America dumb again? Yes, they want to send us back to an era where the church and men had control over the people, especially the women. You can clearly see the messaging from J.D. Vance, where women who choose to stay single, childless and have a career, to be the enemy. God forbid you add a cat to the mix instead of a child. But have you noticed a man can be single with a dog?

This election shouldn’t even be this close but it is. If Trump wins, he’ll make sure more dumb people will grow up to vote for more MAGA Republicans. We better go out and vote blue, for the sake of our country and end MAGA at the ballot box once and for all. Our children deserve better, we all deserve better.

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