‘It is there for me to win’: Edwards ready to score win over Yafai

Sunny Edwards looks forward to scoring professional win over Galal Yafai.

Watch Sunny Edwards and Galal Yafai prepare for their Nov. 30 showdown.

With Sunny Edwards set to collide with Galal Yafai on Nov. 30, Matchroom Boxing releases behind the scenes footage of both fights in their Make The Days Count segment. Both Edwards and Yafai have long been familiar with one another dating back years now, and while there’s mutual respect between the fighters, there’s also a clear competitive line drawn between them where both are looking to make a statement against the other.

“My brother set a high standard from young,” Edwards recalls. “He was 15, he’s on Team GB. We was pitted against each other by my dad, probably been the iron that sharpened each other for the most part.”

Edwards would then explain how his rivalry with Galal really stems from their older brothers, which has sort of spilled over to Galal and himself. So looking ahead to the matchup at hand, Edwards believes he has all the necessary tools to get the edge over his opponent.

“I think as long as I stay disciplined with my feet I can hurt him, I can definitely outbox him,” Edwards says. “I think if I lose this fight it’s completely on my doing. I think that it is there for me to win.”

Check out he full video feature in the link at the top.

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