News in English

Новости за 08.05.2024

The Verge 

Inside Microsoft’s Xbox turmoil

Microsoft launched a fiery Xbox controller on the same day it announced gaming layoffs. | Image: Microsoft

Just hours after learning that Microsoft was shutting down a number of game studios this week, Dinga Bakaba, head of Microsoft-owned Arkane Lyon, decided to let the company know how he felt about the decision — right in public. “Don’t throw us into gold fever gambits, don’t use us as strawmen for miscalculations / blind spots, don’t make our work environments Darwinist jungles,” Bakaba wrote on X. Читать дальше... 

When choosing co-founders, entrepreneurs have a gender gap

One of the most important decisions an entrepreneur can make when launching a business is choosing the right co-founder. Should compatible personalities guide the choice? Or should the priority be someone who brings resources to the startup? How do entrepreneurs make this decision if they must choose between these two options?


Accelerating Social Investment

A new standalone Social Investment Agency will power-up the social investment approach, driving positive change for our most vulnerable New Zealanders, Social Investment Minister Nicola Willis says.