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Новости за 25.07.2024 

Democrats accuse Cornel West campaign of accepting illegal in-kind contributions

Democrats are accusing Republican operatives of boosting the campaign of Independent presidential candidate Cornel West in North Carolina and Arizona, as ballot access fights rage in key swing states. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) last week claiming West’s bids in Arizona and North Carolina took illegal... 

DJ Scratch: Titan of the turntable

For over two decades, the Grammy winning producer and world-renowned turntablist has spun as many heads as he does records with his hip-hop wizardry.

«SFGate» ( 

House Republicans vote to rebuke Kamala Harris over administration's handling of border policy

House Republicans are moving quickly to emphasize Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. border with Mexico. GOP lawmakers passed a resolution Thursday that condemns her performance in the job. The resolution is purely symbolic. It echoes an attack line that Republican Donald Trump has taken against Harris since she rose to become the likely Democratic presidential nominee. All House Republicans and six Democrats in tough reelection races voted for the resolution. Читать дальше... 

Seine today will be safe and not insane

Mayhem follows, Paris turning into a battleground. On finding out that Lilith has entered pre-Olympic Paris, scientists request the Parisian authorities to postpone the triathlon event. The mayor - not Anne Hidalgo, the real mayor - insists on going ahead, stressing the event's importance for global visibility and the billions already spent. Without giving the film away, let's just say the Olympic triathlon event in Paris becomes a veritable bloodsport.