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Новости за 26.07.2024 

ETtech Explainer: What is SearchGPT, OpenAI’s answer to Google

​SearchGPT will provide summarised search results with source links in response to user queries, OpenAI said in a blog post. Users will also be able to ask follow-up questions and receive contextual responses. OpenAI launched GPT-4o mini a cost-efficient small AI model, aimed at making its technology more affordable and less energy-intensive.

Splice Today 

The Hanging Export

“This is like Bush v. Gore all over again. No, it’s worse. This is worse than the 2000 election.” Da Boss was panicked. We were all panicked (we = me, myself, Da Boss, and our editing machines) when we couldn’t locate the source of a catastrophic export failure leaving us unable to make rough work mixes of the entire movie. First it kept hanging at 13 minutes and six seconds, and we fixed that by removing a Morph cut (fuckin’ morph cut). The next export go to 19 minutes 56 seconds, but there was no morph cut there. Читать дальше...

Splice Today 

Accidental Knowledge

Last weekend I spoke in Long Island at a sea glass festival. As I’ve done dozens of times coast to coast, in addition to lecturing, I did sea glass identification, judged the contest, and hosted a table where kids of all ages fill a bag of beachcombed finds. My favorite parts of these shows are always watching passionate kids at the table; so enthusiastic about learning the origins of the pieces, and seeing someone who’s curious about the history of a find excitedly discover its origin in showing them the match from a photo on my phone. Читать дальше... 

Macpherson asks DBSA for bi-weekly updates on National Assembly reconstruction

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson has instructed the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) to provide his office with bi-weekly updates on the progress of the National Assembly building’s reconstruction. The updates will include a monthly cost schedule, which will be made available to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, to ensure the contractors on the project are held to deadlines and budget.

Splice Today 

Harris Is the Illegal Immigrant Candidate

If you think the U.S.-Mexico border was a political vulnerability for Joe Biden, wait until you see what Kamala Harris supports. Harris is part of an administration that has seen about two million got-aways enter the United States illegally, as the Southern border faces heavy pressure and record migrant encounters.

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Splice Today 

Twelve O’ Clock High

A gifted musician and writer friend of mine, overdosed from heroin on E. 10th St. many years ago. Every time I visit the East Village, the place serves as a reminder of that loss. The unfortunate event happened when rising economic interests uprooted the central core of this community’s creative foundation.

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