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Новости за 12.09.2024 

Price prediction of polyester yarn based on multiple linear regression model

by Wenyi Qiu, Qingjun Mao, Chen Liu

China’s polyester textile industry is one of the notable contributors to national economy. This paper takes polyester yarn, core raw material in polyester textile industry chain, as research object, and deeply explores its price indicators and risk hedging mechanisms through multiple linear regression models and Holt-Winters approaches. It is worth mentioning that with continuous development of digital technology, digital transformation of production lines... Читать дальше... 

Urban gardening education: User reflections on mobile application designs

by Ewa Duda

Mobile gardening applications offer a wide range of opportunities to shape the environmental behaviour of city dwellers, while stimulating action for greater access and contact with nature. Despite this, their educational potential is not sufficiently recognised and exploited. The aim of this qualitative research is to gain an in-depth understanding of the extent to which existing mobile apps can facilitate digital education for the development of green cities. For this purpose, the user insight approach has been applied. Читать дальше... 

Computational screening and molecular docking of compounds from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) by targeting DNA topoisomerase I to design potential anticancer drugs

by Mst. Sharmin Sultana Shimu

Each year thousands of people suffer across the globe due to higher cancer incidence and mortality rates. Additionally, the treatment option for cancer patients is also costly, and often cancer drugs suffer from lower efficacy with more side effects. The DNA topoisomerase can function as an established cancer target because Human Topoisomerase (Top1) regulates genetic transcription during the post-mitotic phase and plays a critical role in DNA supercoiling during replication and repair. Читать дальше... 

MsDD: A novel NDN producer mobility support scheme based on multi-satellite data depot

by Zhiguo Liu, Qing Zou, Lin Wang, Zhengxia Liu

The Named Data Networking (NDN) is currently an important future network framework, and the mobility issue of producers within NDN is a primary challenge. However, in environments characterized by frequent producers mobility, traditional producer mobility support schemes still encounter issues such as excessive consumer delays and interest packet loss. With the development of The 6th generation communication technology (6G), integrating ground... Читать дальше... 

Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19 (COPCOV): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

by William H. K. Schilling, Mavuto Mukaka, James J. Callery, Martin J. Llewelyn, Cintia V. Cruz, Mehul Dhorda, Thatsanun Ngernseng, Naomi Waithira, Maneerat Ekkapongpisit, James A. Watson, Arjun Chandna, Erni J. Nelwan, Raph L. Hamers, Anthony Etyang, Mohammad Asim Beg, Samba Sow, William Yavo, Aurel Constant Allabi, Buddha Basnyat, Sanjib Kumar Sharma, Modupe Amofa-Sekyi, Paul Yonga, Amanda Adler, Prayoon Yuentrakul, Tanya Cope, Janjira Thaipadungpanit, Panuvit Rienpradub, Mallika Imwong, Mohammad Yazid Abdad, Stuart D. Читать дальше...