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Новости за 18.10.2024


What Your Twelve-Foot Home Depot Skeleton Says About Your Recent Divorce

Your Wife Never Truly Loved Halloween

She claims she used to be in love with All Hallow’s Eve and that she spent years trying to work things out with the spooky season. But it’s become abundantly clear that she is a liar. Your wife never loved Halloween. And you know what? GOOD. Halloween doesn’t need her anyway. Halloween’s got candy corn, Freddy Krueger, and peeled grapes that feel like eyeballs. And someday, I’m sure Halloween will find someone who loves it for the holiday it truly is... Читать дальше...

Sydney Morning Herald 

The October 19 Edition

Exclusive: John Farnham opens up on cancer, surgery and his greatest fear | Indies 2.0: gearing up for election time | The healing power of foster parent love 

11 killed in multiple-vehicle collision in Iran

TEHRAN, Oct. 18 (MNA) – As many as 11 Iranian citizens were killed and 6 others were injured in a chain reaction or multiple-vehicle on the highway between Saveh in Markazi Province and Hamedan in the wets of the country on Friday.