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OPINION - How Stoic philosophy can help the poor snowflake generation — and the rest of us

OPINION - How Stoic philosophy can help the poor snowflake generation — and the rest of us

One of the oddest features of the culture right now is that the philosophy of Stoicism is a big thing. There’s a group called Modern Stoicism which runs a Stoic Week, that asks participants to live like a Stoic — and it turns out that it makes them feel good. In fact, living like a Stoic for a month is even better. There’s a Daily Stoic podcast by the American, Ryan Holiday. There’s an annual gathering called Stoicon for modern Stoics. There are several popular and short guides to Stoicism. And today there’s the launch of the second series of the podcast Brave New World, presented by this paper’s proprietor, Evgeny Lebedev, with an opening episode on Stoicism. It features the US academic, Bill Irvine; it’ll be followed by an interview with Ryan Holiday.

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