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My home was ruined after workmen drilled massive cables into my walls without asking me – but now I’ve got my revenge

A PENSIONER has got his revenge by cutting an internet cable strung up along his outside wall that left him hating his home.

John Gibson, 69, was left fuming after he claims an unsightly plastic box and cables were drilled onto his home by internet company CityFibre without his consent.

Nigel Iskander
John ‘hates’ the box and cables that he says were placed on his wall[/caption]
Nigel Iskander
John Gibson lives in pensioner housing in Wigston, and has been left angry at cables he claims were placed along his home by an internet company[/caption]
John Gibson
John cut the blue wire in protest after he didn’t give the company permission to attach the box or cables[/caption]
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The cable was run underneath dirt and gravel and came out at John’s home (which he dug up)[/caption]

Now the Wigston, Leicestershire, man has taken the issue into his own hands and cut a cable, severing the internet connection to his neighbour’s property.

The “super fast” broadband was put up a fortnight ago and has left John “hating” the outside of his own home.

He said: “I was always told if you like the outside of your home, that’s half the battle, now I hate it.

“Every time I walk into the property I see the wires.

“I am angry and upset about the damage they have done.”

The former garage owner said he has owned home in the private pensioner court for two and a half years.

John said he doesn’t need or get the super fast internet, but company CityFibre used his home get the service to his neighbour.

He was left shocked after he claimed workmen came onto his property without any permission and strung up a white box and copper coloured cabling.

He said he doesn’t know how CityFibre thinks it has “carte blanche” to drill holes and modify someone’s private property.

John said: “I don’t know how they think they have the power to come here and do what they’ve done.

“They seem to think they have the power to ride roughshod over everybody.

“We’ve just had enough. Why do they expect us over-60s to have super-fast broadband.

“We’re still getting used to calculators!”

On Tuesday, after he said he was getting nowhere complaining to CityFibre, John cut the fibre optic cable inside the box.

He hopes that will force CityFibre to come and fix the issue.

Correspondence shared with The Sun between John and CityFibre show the internet company saying they cannot come and remove the equipment.

I’m furious after workmen dug up my driveway WITHOUT my permission

A FARMER was horrified to discover workmen digging up his driveway to fit new internet cables without his permission.

Chris Partington claims contractors from broadband provider Gigaclear caused £10,000 worth of damage by destroying the tarmac and smashing his mains water pipe.

The 69-year-old said the builders rocked up while he was out and began drilling into the pathway that leads to his home in Leominster, Herefordshire.

When he returned, he says he was told they were fitting fibre optic cables and the “disruption” to his property was essential.

But the willow farmer claims he wasn’t consulted and never gave permission for them to be on his land.

And he was furious by the “extraordinary” mess and destruction the workers left behind when they were done – which he estimates will cost £10,000 to put right.

Instead, they offer to look at rerouting the cabling without affecting the customer or getting John to sign a retrospective wayleave for the cable to remain in place.

It adds: “In addition to this, CityFibre would like to offer, as a good will gesture £300. This is subject to signing a wayleave.”

Another neighbour also complained to CityFibre and the company is understood to be discussing a new connection route with them too.

But John said: “If they want to fit it [the internet wire] they’re going to have to reroute it and they’re not coming on our property.”

It is understood CityFibre are continuing to try and solve the issue.

What are your rights in this situation?

Internet companies or contractors cannot use your property to hang their cables on if you didn’t ask for it. But there are a couple of caveats.

Firstly, if you don’t mind that the cable will pass over or through your land you can sign a wayleave.

That could involve a negotiation and you may be able to get paid to have the cable through your property or advise where it would be best to go.

If you did not want the cable there and the company came in and placed the cable without your knowledge, that is a different and more complex story and could be tricky to remove.

If you were to cut the cable or pull the wires off it couple of be more hassle than it is worth as it could lead to worsening relations with your neighbour and eventually legal action.

Companies are also able to pass cables over the top of your land if they are far enough off the ground.

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John said that liking the outside of your home was ‘half the battle’, but now he ‘hated’ it[/caption]
Nigel Iskander
John with the internet cables running above his door[/caption]

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