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Man rides moped through JD Sport before kicking police officer in the face

This is the bizarre moment a moped driver nearly ran over customers inside a busy JD sports branch before kicking a police officer in the face.

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This is the bizarre moment a moped driver nearly ran over customers inside a busy JD sports branch before kicking a police officer in the face.

Kavan Conroy, 21, was spotted weaving between shoppers in the pedestrianised zone in Newcastle city centre before deciding to nip into the shop without getting off his bike.

CCTV captured him driving around the shop entrance on March 21 this year.

Police tracked Conroy, who has a string of convictions for theft and criminal damage, and he was arrested at nearby Eldon Square.

After verbally abusing two officers he kicked one in the face while he was in a police van.

Conroy, of no fixed address, admitted dangerous driving, threatening behaviour, having no insurance, driving with no licence and assaulting an emergency worker.

He was jailed for 11 months when he appeared at Newcastle Crown Court last Friday where he was also banned from driving.

After the hearing, Chief Superintendent Barrie Joisce, of Northumbria Police, said: ‘Conroy’s actions were disgraceful on the day he carried out these offences and he is now rightly behind bars.

CCTV captured him driving around the shop entrance on March 21 this year (Picture: Northumbria Police/SWNS)
CCTV captured him driving around the shop entrance on March 21 this year (Picture: Northumbria Police/SWNS)
Kavan Conroy captured on CCTV riding a moped in JD sports. Release date ? May 16, 2024. A man who rode a moped down the pavements of a busy Newcastle shopping street before going inside a store has been put behind bars. Reckless Kavan Conroy was caught on CCTV riding down pedestrian pavements on Northumberland Street and Blackett Street on the moped before going into JD Sports. Conroy, 21, had no helmet on and no licence plate on the moped at the time. Following the incident on March 21, Northumbria Police immediately launched an investigation into Conroy, with a trawl of CCTV identifying him. After verbally abusing two police officers at Eldon Square, the brazen offender, who has previous convictions for theft and criminal damage, kicked an officer in the face while he was in a police van. Conroy, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, threatening behaviour, having no insurance, driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence and assaulting an emergency worker. He was jailed for 11 months and also banned from driving at Newcastle Crown Court.
He had no helmet on and no licence plate on the moped at the time (Picture: Northumbria Police/SWNS)

‘He showed a complete disregard for the safety and welfare of others by riding a moped down a pedestrian area before going on to assault one our officers.

‘It was extremely fortunate that someone was not seriously injured by Conroy and he now has time in prison to reflect on his actions.

‘I hope that Conroy’s sentencing serves as a warning to anyone intent on coming into Newcastle city centre to commit crime: We will find you and you will be brought to justice.

Conroy, of no fixed address, admitted dangerous driving, threatening behaviour, having no insurance, driving with no licence and assaulting an emergency worker (Picture: Northumbria Police / SWNS)
Conroy, of no fixed address, admitted dangerous driving, threatening behaviour, having no insurance, driving with no licence and assaulting an emergency worker (Picture: Northumbria Police / SWNS)

‘No-one, whether that is people working in businesses in the city, visitors or locals, should have to tolerate the type of offending Conroy carried out on March 21.’

Conroy’s sentencing comes as police and other agencies launch a crackdown on crime and anti-social behaviour in Newcastle.

Councillor Paula Maines, Cabinet member for a Resilient City at Newcastle City Council, said: ‘Conroy’s actions were completely unacceptable and we won’t tolerate this sort of reckless behaviour in our city.’

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