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I made £80,000 in the first six months of my side hustle – it’s easy, I just work two hours a day from my phone

A WOMAN has revealed that she made £80,000 in the first six months of a side hustle, that only requires her to work two hours a day, from her phone.

Taylor Couch shared details of her side hustle, via a video posted to her TikTok channel.

Taylor said she made £80,000 in her first six months side-hustling
She said she works just two hours a day[/caption]

She explained that she had no idea what she wanted to do in life and was advised by her dad to find a job that would give her passive income.

After dropping out of university, she came across a series of TikToks where people revealed that they had made six figures from freelance digital marketing.

She decided to give it a go, after thinking “if they can do it, there’s no reason I can’t”.

Digital marketing involves promoting other people’s products online.

You can promote the products through social media, and every time someone buys the product after clicking on a link you directed them to, you earn commission.

Taylor said: “Little did I now that this decision would lead me to making $100,000 (£80,000) profit in my first six months”.

The side-hustling pro said she only has to work two hours a day, and was able to quit her job after she made £8,000 in her second month.

She said that she has been able to buy her dream house and dream car with her earnings, and can travel whenever she feels like it.

“I live the definition of my dream life”, she said.

“If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you”.

Taylor now sells her own online course, to help others learn everything that she knows.

Her video, which was posted under the username @thecouchclub, has likely left many people impressed, as it has racked up over 1.1 million views on the video sharing platform.

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “I just applied for an affiliate programme.

“Can’t wait to see how it goes!”

Another person said: “Love your story and perseverance”.

Side hustles in numbers

Based on new research from Finder, an estimated 22.8 million Brits are using side hustles to top up their income.

Among generation those aged 18-23 68 percent have a side hustle in 2024.

Those aged 24-42 aren’t far behind, with 65 per cent having an additional source of income. 

Side hustles are less popular among older generations, with 40 percent of generation those aged 43-54 having one.

Whereas 23 percent of people aged 55-73 and just 7 per cent of those aged 74 and over are earning extra cash this way. 

A third said: “Yes! Love this”.

A fourth added: “Wow girl, you are amazing, such dedication and determination.

“Keep it up”.

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