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Michael Cohen Tells Court He Stole From Donald Trump – Admits He Pocketed $30,000 from Trump and Lied to Trump CEO Allen Weisselberg

What a train wreck.

The post Michael Cohen Tells Court He Stole From Donald Trump – Admits He Pocketed $30,000 from Trump and Lied to Trump CEO Allen Weisselberg appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen admitted in court on Monday that he stole from Trump, at least $30,000, and lied to Trump CEO Allen Weiselberg

What a train wreck.

Michael Cohen, the lead witness in the ongoing Trump lawfare case in New York City, admitted Monday in court that he stole from Donald Trump, at least $30,000 and lied to CEO Allen Weisselberg.

Cohen is the prosecution’s lead witness.

Will this phase leftist jurors?

Via FOX News.

More from Paul Ingrassia.

Cohen is a scumbag.

The post Michael Cohen Tells Court He Stole From Donald Trump – Admits He Pocketed $30,000 from Trump and Lied to Trump CEO Allen Weisselberg appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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