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Trump brutally demolished for latest 'BS answer' demonstrating his ignorance

Donald Trump's latest dodge when pressed upon his policies if he wins re-election was skewered by MSNBC's Michael Steele on Saturday morning, with the former Republican National Committee chairman performing a mocking impression of the former president blathering to fill time.

At issue was the former president being asked about his feelings and plans with regard to contraception policies.

In a clip shown to viewers watching MSNBC's "The Weekend," the former president was asked, "Do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception?"

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'Well we were looking into that," Trump replied before continuing, "And I'm going to have a policy into that very shortly. And I think it is something you will find interesting."

That led the "Weekend" co-host to immediately jump in with, "Okay, that is Donald Trump's BS answer to pretty much everything he knows absolutely nothing about."

'He is insisting, 'Oh, we're going to have a policy on that very shortly and it's going to be fantabulous," he continued by lapsing into an impression of Trump's delivery. "'You are going to love it! It going to wake you up like coffee in the morning. And it is going to put you to bed at night too.'"

"That's the kind of policies I make, I'm Donald Trump: Buy my bible!" he continued his impression of the former president.

Watch below or at the link.

MSNBC 05 25 2024 08 19 38

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