News in English


CHICAGO (AP) — Futures trading on the Chicago Board of Trade Wed:

. . . ... . . . . ... . . . ... ... .
5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel
Jul 542 547¼ 542 545¾ —8½
Sep 572 572¼ 556¼ 564¼ —7¾
Dec 595½ 595¾ 580¼ 588 —7½
Mar 615 615¼ 600¼ 607¾ —7¾
May 626¾ 626¾ 611¼ 618¼ —7½
Jul 629 629 616½ 623¼ —6¾
Sep 638 638 627 633 —5¾
Dec 648¾ 648¾ 640¾ 646¼ —4
Est. sales 93,357. Tue.'s sales 83,811
Tue.'s open int 411,906, up 380
5,000 bu minimum; cents per bushel
Jul 399¾ 405¾ 399¾ 405¾ +5½
Sep 393¾ 398 390¾ 397¼ +3¼
Dec 408¼ 409¼ 404 408¾
Mar 423 423¼ 418¾ 422½ ¾
May 433½ 433½ 429¼ 432½ —1½
Jul 442 442¼ 438 440¾ —2
Sep ..

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