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A young man catches lots of big fish, even landing one on a busted rod

Elliott Webster is only 8 years old, but he's a good enough fisherman that his fish stories pile up.

His dad Todd Webster caught me up earlier this month.

"Elliott has been back at it again catching all kinds of species of fish this year," Todd emailed. "His favorite story to tell is catching a sheephead that snapped his rod in half, but [he] was still able to reel it in."

Among the fish Elliott caught are salmon, lake trout, freshwater drum and smallmouth bass. One laker (above) that he caught looked nearly as big as him. The drum that busted his rod wasn't even close to the biggest drum he caught this year.

Todd's college friend Jeff Kopa and the fishing community at Belmont Harbor, including the crew at nearby KingFisher Charters help Elliott and hone his fishing skills.

I did a column on him in October. It's encouraging that he is still going strong.


Elliott Webster, 8, holds his busted rod and a freshwater drum.


FOTW, the celebration of big fish and their stories (the stories matter, as this one shows) around Chicago fishing, runs Wednesdays in the paper Sun-Times.

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