News in English

Heat wave headed to Chicago this weekend

Summer is not quite over yet.

Though temperatures have been cooler this week, a heat wave is making its way to the Chicago area this weekend, the National Weather Service said.

"It was a nice break but it's definitely not a sign that summer is over," said meteorologist Todd Kluber.

Beginning Friday, the heat will start to rise and will hover in the low 80s. But on Saturday, temperatures will really start to tick up and could reach the high 80s.

Scattered showers Saturday night are expected to also bring high humidity to the already warm temperatures Sunday — which could spike to 90 degrees.

But the hottest day is expected to be Monday, when temperatures could reach up to 95 degrees. Combined with the humidity, it could feel like it's over 100 degrees, weather officials said.

Weather officials said that while conditions should remain mostly dry early next week, a few isolated showers are possible.

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