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Illinois holding contest to design new state flag

Illinois could get a new state flag — and you could design it.

Starting Tuesday, the public can begin submitting proposals — up to three per person — to the Illinois Flag Commission, Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias announced Wednesday.

“This is a great opportunity to create something that truly embodies and celebrates our great state," Giannoulias said. "The beauty of this process is the public involvement. We’re not only encouraging folks to let their creativity flow and run their idea up the flagpole, but they also have the chance to make their voice heard by choosing their favorite.”

The public can submit their ideas online, or send them in the mail, through Oct. 18. The 10-member commission will pick 10 finalists, and starting Jan. 1, the public will have two months to vote for one of those — or vote to keep the current flag.

Ultimately, the choice between a new design or the current flag is up to the Illinois General Assembly.

Entrants must provide their first and last name, address, email address and phone number. They also are required to explain their relationship to Illinois and describe their entry in 500 characters or less.

There are other rules, too. Among them:

• Design elements can include the history, culture or natural features of Illinois.

• There are no limits on the exact shape, but the commission may edit your design.

• There's no limit on how many colors you can use, though the commission recommends no more than three.

• Files being uploaded online 5 MB or less and in PNG, GIF or JPG format.

• Once you submit a design, it belongs to the state.

• Under 18? You can still enter if you work with a parent, guardian, teacher or other adult mentor.

• No logos or copyrighted materials, though you can use elements or reproductions of the current state seal or any prior Illinois state flag.

• Don't use artificial intelligence.

Participants can visit and upload online or submit their design via mail addressed to Illinois Flag Commission, Howlett Building, Room 476, 501 S. Second St., Springfield, IL 62756.

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