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Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour By The Numbers

After nearly two years, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour has at last concluded, grossing over $2 billion in ticket sales. The Onion looks at the key facts and figures behind the record-breaking tour.

1.2 million: Parents who only learned at the door that you can’t bring water bottles into the venue

113: Average rushing yards per concert

94: Security guards hospitalized for teen girl bites

5 cents: How much an Eras Tour ticket used to cost in 1908

3: Times Travis Kelce thought a major European city was in California

7: Cities in which the “surprise song” was “Macarena”

$16: For one fucking churro, are they crazy?

11: Times a big dog accidentally got loose and ran onto stage

4: Notes in Swift’s entire song catalog

0: Chances your daughter will give you now that you’ve officially let her down

110,876: People still in the Ticketmaster queue

The post Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour By The Numbers appeared first on The Onion.

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