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Unrealistic NFL Commercial Depicts Panthers Fan Watching Game With Friends

CHARLOTTE, NC—Screaming at the TV and remarking to himself that none of this made any sense, local football fan Sean Greene criticized an unrealistic NFL commercial Thursday for depicting a Carolina Panthers fan watching a game with his friends. “It’s crazy enough they want me to believe these guys root for the Panthers, but they also want me to think they go out and spend their money on merch?” said Greene, who added that most of the Charlotte-based team’s fans he knew watched the game drunk, miserable, and alone in their apartments. “I don’t get it. They seem happy, excited, and proud to root for the Panthers despite their 3-11 record. One guy even painted his face blue! Oh, maybe we’re supposed to think it’s funny that they are all hanging out. Yeah, that must be it.” Greene also went on to say that the commercial totally went off the rails when it portrayed a single human on Earth that supported the Tennessee Titans.

The post Unrealistic NFL Commercial Depicts Panthers Fan Watching Game With Friends appeared first on The Onion.

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