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Strength Training: Myth Vs. Fact

With the start of a new year, millions of Americans are honing in on their fitness goals and returning to the gym, including the weight room floor. The Onion dispels the common myths many people have about strength training. 

MYTH: Training with free weights is more effective than training with machines.

FACT: Machines are actually much harder to lift.

MYTH: Strength training is just for men.

FACT: While society has traditionally viewed weightlifting as the purview of men, anyone can be insufferable.

MYTH: You should start with lighter weights and build up over time.

FACT: Impress everyone at the gym by leaving in an ambulance.

MYTH: Strength training is unsafe for pregnant women.

FACT: Being a pregnant woman in America is generally unsafe.

MYTH: Lifting weights makes you less flexible.

FACT: The Rock can do the splits. 

MYTH: Steroids cause a wide range of health problems.

FACT: You wouldn’t say that to my face, punk.

MYTH: You don’t need to be able to open your own jars. You exist in a community and deserve love and support just as you are.

FACT: The human animal is a species of one, irrevocably severed from its own kind due to the sin of consciousness.  

MYTH: It takes time to see results.

FACT: No one has ever stuck with it long enough to find out.

The post Strength Training: Myth Vs. Fact appeared first on The Onion.

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