Journal’s content № 7 2024

Actual theme: Repetition in preparation for the Unified State Exam

A.Yu. Morozov. «Globe of History», or where to start revising in the 11th grade in preparation for the Unified State Exam.
The article substantiates the need for preliminary generalization and proposes an option for organizing educational activities.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, preliminary generalization.

History and Society

A.B. Sokolov. Legacy of empire: multiculturalism and school history education in England.
In this article the response of school history education to the challenge of multiculturalism as a social movement towards equality of racial, ethnic and confessional minorities, is regarded. Though immigration to UK from former colonies increased constantly since the late 1940-s, significant measures orientated to «racial diversity» by means of school history were taken only when Labour party came to power in 1997. The topic of slavery and slave trade was given special importance. The study of laws on racial relations became part of history and civil studies. The author describes pedagogical experience of teachers in developing new approaches to organization and content of the lessons connected with multiculturalism.
Keywords: lesson of history, England, immigration, multiculturalism, racial diversity.

O.V. Yablonskaya. The Early Church Fathers on the values of marriage and family.
The article analyzes the views of Blessed Jerome and Blessed Augustine on family, marriage, celibacy, and widowhood. Christian thinkers gave a spiritual character to family life, the relationship of spouses was defined as a sacred union created for the purpose of having children. Their arguments make it possible to defend the values of marriage and family in modern society.
Keywords: Jerome, Augustine, Christianity, marriage, family, upbringing, children, widowhood, celibacy.

I.S. Ogonovskaya. A.M. Pankratova ideologist of historical education in school and author of school history textbooks of the 1930s — early 1960s.
The author of the article turns to the pages of the biography, scientific and pedagogical activities of the historian A.M. Pankratova, who played a huge role in the development of history education in the USSR in the 1930s — 1950s. It was under her leadership that curricula on the history of the USSR were developed for schools, and the first stable Soviet textbooks on the history of the USSR were created for grades VIII-X. Using the example of the life and work of A.M. Pankratova can see how the concepts of the historical development of the country, the content of school history textbooks changed over the course of several decades, and how these changes influenced the fate of the authors of school textbooks.
Keywords: historical education, USSR history textbook, cult of personality, I.S. Stalin, A.M. Pankratova, K.V. Bazilevich, V.S. Bakhrushin, A.V. Focht.

V.S. Antonova. The main directions of E.A. Furtseva’s state and party activities in 1941-1959.
Examining the state and party activities of E.A. Furtseva in 1941-1959, it should be noted that no matter what high position E.A. Furtseva held, she always tried to control any situation and personally, when making a decision, was guided, in addition to party and ideological instructions, above all, by common sense. It was during her leadership of the capital that Moscow underwent changes that radically changed its appearance. The position of the First secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU obliged E.A. Furtseva had a lot to offer, but above all it was a level of enormous responsibility, personal control, and indispensable competence in a wide range of Moscow’s urban economy. Assessing the party and state activities of E.A. Furtseva in Moscow, it can be concluded that she carried out multifaceted work in various positions of regional and then state scale.
Keywords: The first Secretary of the Moscow State Committee of the CPSU; state and party activities; economic and social development of Moscow; cultural and educational work; Soviet ideology; system of planning and budget financing of culture.


O.Y. Strelova. Formation and diagnostics of mathematical literacy up to date with regional history.
In continuation of the «methodological consultation» on the formation of functional literacy in school history courses, the author of the article offers a thematic case for the development of mathematical literacy. It was developed on the basis of a textbook on the history of the Russian Far East, the principles of constructing functional reading’cases. The comments demonstrate how the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren are diagnosed in each specific case. The experience of creating MR- cases with historical content, sources of information and cultural texts, in integration with literacy reading confirms the value of functional literacy as meta-subject and personal results of common education.
Keywords: mathematical literacy, functional literacy, Cultural text (historical source), regional history, case study of the formation and diagnosis of mathematical literacy.

K.S. Tyulkina. Logical-information approach to teaching history using the example of studying economic transformations of the 1990s
The article examines how to apply a logical-informational approach to teaching Russian history in high school, the features and place of logical-informational competencies in the school education system.
Keywords: logical-informational theory of teaching, historical education, visual means of training.

Young scientists’ works

O.I. Khodorov. Administrative-territorial organization, management structure and natural-geographical features of the Black Sea district on the eve of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.
The study examined the administrative-territorial division, structure of government and natural-geographical features of the Black Sea district — the coastal strip from the Taman peninsula in the north to the border of Abkhazia in the south. Having studied various sources, the author outlined the influence of the listed factors on the tactical properties of the terrain, preparation and conduct of combat operations. He concluded that in the context of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the main danger from Turkish military forces threatened the south-eastern part of the coast, namely the Sochi region due to its natural isolation and the lack of convenient passes through the main Caucasus ridge.
Keywords: The Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, Black Sea district, Main Caucasus Range, Black Sea, administrative-territorial structure, head of the district, trustees of the Black Sea coastal settlements.

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