
Новости раздела «Другие города» за 24.02.2024

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What If You Spent 5 Seconds on Mercury

Mercury is a strange, hot mess of a planet. This rock is closest to the Sun, but its surface temperatures can plummet to as low as -180 C (-290 F. It has the strangest sunrises and sunsets in the entire Solar System. And one day on this planet lasts about two years. But you don't have to survive a…

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Filming Los Angeles Above 10, 000 Feet

I fly an airplane above 10, 000 feet to film Los Angeles from a new perspective rarely seen before. Because of the airspace restrictions of LAX, it's difficult to fly over many parts of the city, especially at altitudes above a couple thousand feet. So I put some cameras on a small airplane and…

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Top 10 True Story Movies of 2023

If you want to know the best biography movies based on true stories you should definitely watch our ranking for the best biopics of the 2023. All biographical films in this ranking are based on true events and were released in 2023.
Movies in this Ranking:
10. Ferrari (2023): (00: 13)

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Signs You Are Escaping Reality to Avoid Life

Escapism, or escaping reality, is a defensive reaction involving the use of fantasy as a way to avoid conflicts and problems in daily life.
It's important to be self-aware and know when we are escaping reality because recognizing these patterns allows us to address underlying issues and make…

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Top 10 Mystery TV Series of 2023

If you want to know the best mystery TV shows, you should definitely watch our picks for the best ones of 2023 you're right, you know, she lies. Number 10. School spirits created by Megan Tinr and Nate Tinr This story immerses you in the afterlife of high school where a teenage girl stuck in…

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Просматривали в разделе «Другие города» 24.02.2024


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