
Новости раздела «Другие города» за 07.03.2024


Открытие нового портала MedMundus: Уникальная платформа для онлайн-консультаций с врачами

Команда профессионалов под руководством кардио-ревматолога доктора Роина Реквавы и предпринимателя Арнелы Данияровой с гордостью объявляет о запуске нового веб-портала MedMundus - инновационной онлайн-платформы для консультаций с врачами.

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PR soft 

Top 20 Best Cereals of All Time

we’re counting down our picks for the best Saturday morning cereal classics of all time. Our countdown of the best cereals of all time includes Corn Pops, Count Chocula, Cookie Crisp, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Honey Nut Cheerios, and more! What’s your favorite breakfast cereal Shout it out in the…

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Top 20 Scariest Paranormal Documentary Series

we’re looking at the freakiest and most entertaining reality shows with the supernatural as the main focus. Our countdown includes shows A Haunting, Paranormal Lockdown, MonsterQuest and more! What supernatural documentary show haunted you the most Tell us in the comments below.

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Top 30 Scariest Movie Endings

we’re counting down our picks for the horror movie finales that still give us nightmares. We’re revealing some great endings, so here’s a spoiler alert. Our countdown includes movies Phantasm, Paranormal Activity, Enemy and more! What terrifying movie ending kept you up at night Tell us in the…

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we’re counting down our picks for the most painful, hilarious, or overall iconic nut-strikes in movies. Our countdown includes scenes from movies Bad Santa, Hot Shots! Part Deux, Miss Congeniality and more! Which of these below-the-belt blows had you wincing in sympathy Sound off in the comments…

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Lambo Huracan v Audi R8: DRAG RACE

We’ve got Mat in his Audi R8 Spyder V10, and it’s facing off against a Lamborghini Huracan Evo! These cars are almost identical under the skin, but let’s see how they compare anyway.
Starting with the Audi, it’s powered by a 5. 2-litre naturally-aspirated V10 that can put down 620hp and 580Nm…

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Top 10 Crime TV Series of 2023

If you want to know the best crime tv shows you should definitely watch our picks for the best crime tv series of 2023. All criminal series in this ranking started in 2023.
TV Series in this Ranking:
10. Bodies (2023): (00: 13)
9. Love & Death (2023): (00: 54)
8. The Reckoning (2023): (01:…

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Пресс-центр ФИБ 

Transforming Your Ride: The Ultimate Guide to Car Vinyl Wrapping

In the dynamic world of automotive aesthetics, car vinyl wrapping emerges as a forefront innovation, offering vehicle owners a versatile method to personalize and protect their automobiles. Unlike traditional paint jobs, a vinyl wrap involves applying large sheets of pressure-sensitive vinyl to the exterior of a car, enveloping it in a completely new color or design. This technique has gained popularity for its ability to not only transform the appearance of a vehicle but also safeguard the original... Читать дальше...

Общенациональная ассоциация Автомототуризма и караванинга 

Караванерам дали спецпропуск на маршруты Центрального федерального округа

Развитие автотуризма стало одной из главных тем Стратегической сессии по развитию туризма в ЦФО на выставке «Россия» на ВДНХ. Караванеры снова оказались в центре внимания!

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Канал «На связи!» 

Hulk Zmiażdży! Ten Chiński Bokser Porazi Cię Swoją Siłą...

Sprawdź to! To Chiński Gigant, gotowy podbić świat boksu!

Nazywa się Zhilei Zhang, ale w kręgach bokserskich znany jest jako "Big Bang". Od kilku lat ten dwumetrowy tytan walczy w kategorii superciężkiej, a każda jego walka to prawdziwe szaleństwo emocji. Strategia Zhileia jest prosta i skuteczna: pokonywać przeciwników jeden po drugim, pozostawiając za sobą tylko zniszczone ringi i podziwiającą publiczność.

Z jego wagą 116 kilogramów i siłą zdolną powalić byka na ziemię, Zhilei Zhang to nie tylko bokser. Читать дальше...

PR soft 

Top '80s TV Show Opening Themes (Part 1)

Top '80s TV Show Opening Themes (Part 1)
1. 21 Jump Street
2. Airwolf
3. Alf
4. The A-Team
5. Cagney & Lacey
6. Cheers
7. Dallas
8. The Dukes of Hazzard
9. Dynasty
10. Falcon Crest
11. The Fall Guy
12. Fame
13. Full House
14. The Golden Girls
15. The Greatest American Hero

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25 Two-Hit Wonders of the '80s (New Version)

1. Champaign - How Bout Us (1981, US No. 12) & Try Again (1983, US No. 23, no other US top 40 hit
2. Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died in Your Arms (1986, US No. 1) & I've Been in Love Before (1986, US No. 9, no other US top 30 hit
3. Eddie Murphy - Party All the Time (1985, US No. 2) & Put Your Mouth…

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Просматривали в разделе «Другие города» 07.03.2024


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