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10 Movies Matthew Weiner Assigned As Required Viewing For The 'Mad Men' Cast & Crew

10 Movies Matthew Weiner Assigned As Required Viewing For The 'Mad Men' Cast & Crew This spring, AMC's "Mad Men" will say goodbye, yet it's impact will be felt for a long time. Few shows would garner a major exhibition at Museum Of The Moving Image, but no one could possibly dispute that Matthew Weiner's examination of the men and women of the advertising world of the 1960s is one of them. Running in conjunction with the final episodes of the show will be a film series titled "Required Viewing: Mad Men's Movie Influences." The screenings will feature movies that Weiner had the cast and crew watch and were a key influence on the show. It's an interesting blend of titles from Billy Wilder's classic "The Apartment," to Alfred Hitchcock thrillers "North By Northwest" and "Vertigo," to David Lynch's head-spinning "Blue Velvet," as well as less celebrated films from the likes of Delbert Mann and Jean Negulesco. Weiner has added some key context to each film on the museum website which has been...

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