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Watch: Matthew McConaughey & Jimmy Kimmel's Great Commercial For Austin, Texas’ Vulcan Video

Watch: Matthew McConaughey & Jimmy Kimmel's Great Commercial For Austin, Texas’ Vulcan Video A whole generation of Americans grew up going to the video store. It seems like a bygone memory now, which makes the plight of shops like Austin, Texas’s Vulcan Video — a self-described “family-owned, independent video” business — especially poignant. But not to worry: two of pop culture’s most recognizable faces have joined forces to crusade on the behalf of mom-and-pop video shops the nation over. That’s right, folks, Vulcan Video, which has been serving Texas’s “very limited” VHS needs since the '80s, is getting a big boost from Jimmy Kimmel and a certain local boy by the name of Matthew McConaughey. Kimmel conceived of the idea to promote Vulcan Video via his Twitter account, and now he’s gone ahead and made a damn funny spot for the shop that recently aired on his own program, "Jimmy Kimmel Live." In the seven-minute clip, we see Kimmel pay a visit to Kristen and Brian, the two affable proprietors of Vulcan Video, with hopes that he can...

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