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Новости за 30.10.2013


Угон "скорой помощи" оказался учениями полицейских

Сегодняшнее утро оказалось горячим для московских водителей: они старательно выясняли, что же все-таки произошло в Москве на улице Марьина роща. Сначала сообщалось, что была угнана "скорая". Однако позже выяснилось, что полиция проводила проверки.

Недвижимость за рубежом 

Застройщики возвращаются на рынок Дубая

В ответ на растущий спрос на жилую недвижимость в Дубае, застройщики снова возвращаются на рынок. Во время финансового кризиса огромное количество жилых проектов были законсервированы в связи со снижением доступного финансирования.


7 самых удачных дизайнов кузова автомобилей от Pininfarina

2 ноября 2013 года 120 лет со дня рождения итальянского дизайнера Батиста Фарина – основателя Carozzeria Pininfarina. Мастерам ателье обязаны своим внешним видом модели от Ferrari, Maserati, BMW, Fiat, Bentley, Rolls-Royce. Предлагаем посмотреть 7 наиболее примечательных работ ателье Pininfarina.

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Learning to do science differently

Four years ago, Joël Stadelmann arrived at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University intending to stay for six months. Now an assistant professor at the university, the Swiss scientist sees himself pursuing a career in Russia. Stadelmann grew up on the shores of Lake Geneva, a fact that makes the 28-year-old a bit of an oddity in Russia. “I might as well be from Mars,” he says, adding that some students at Bauman University, as it is known for short, “come just to watch this weird animal try to teach in Russian”. Читать дальше...


Learning to do science differently

Four years ago, Joël Stadelmann arrived at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University intending to stay for six months. Now an assistant professor at the university, the Swiss scientist sees himself pursuing a career in Russia. Stadelmann grew up on the shores of Lake Geneva, a fact that makes the 28-year-old a bit of an oddity in Russia. “I might as well be from Mars,” he says, adding that some students at Bauman University, as it is known for short, “come just to watch this weird animal try to teach in Russian”. Читать дальше...


Special effects maestro in the LA fast lane

Since 2006, Bern-born Raffael Dickreuter has been riding the rollercoaster that is life in Los Angeles as a special effects artist for Hollywood’s 3D super productions. He tells swissinfo.ch how he made his dream come true. Feted and fired, at times within the blink of an eye, Dickreuter displays none of the arrogant self-confidence that is often de rigueur in the world he began making his own seven years ago. “Here, tomorrow is another day, you cannot be too confident. Stability is fragile; you’re... Читать дальше...


The fabulous destiny of a cross-cultural adventurer

Liam Bates’ childhood was typically Swiss. But somewhere along the line his life took an unusual turn – because for Chinese television viewers he’s become Li Mu, presenter of adventure programmes. He has taken his audience to visit the remotest corners of China, to see the flower-men of Indonesia, and to ride the steam train over Switzerland’s Furka pass. Liam's style is hands-on – something that takes on a new meaning when we're talking about grilling a snake on a camp fire just after cutting its head off. Читать дальше...


Battling to preserve the Great Barrier Reef

Katia Nicolet has been studying marine biology at Townsville University in Australia for the past two years. She dives almost daily on the Great Barrier Reef, the subject of her research and future doctoral thesis. While Europe is preparing to hibernate through the winter, tropical north-eastern Australia is already warming up under a hot spring sun. Katia Nicolet, 27, picks me up from the airport and takes me to the city centre, passing Castle Hill, the 300-metre-high red granite mass that dominates the skyline. Читать дальше...


Making a life work of playing with reality

In a converted garage at the end of a mews in Tulse Hill, South London, Rosalie Schweiker has her studio. Crudely made furniture rubs shoulders with figurines, tie-dyed socks and pots of avocados she has grown from their stones. Schweiker was born in Zurich in 1989, the second of four daughters. Her father was an engineer, her mother a landscape gardener. When she was about to start school, the family moved to Heilbronn in the German state of Baden-Württemberg because of her father’s work. A disclaimer is needed here. Читать дальше...