Новости по-русски

Новости за 25.10.2015

Chicago Sun-Times 

66 arrested at McCormick Place in protests at police conference

Sixty-six people were arrested Saturday while demonstrating outside the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference at McCormick Place, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police Supt. Garry McCarthy had spoken. The 47 women and 19 men face misdemeanor charges of obstructing traffic. They were part of a coalition of racial justice groups demanding fair […]

The Huffington Post 

Should We Discharge Terminally Ill Inmates?

On a recent trip to a medium security prison I and other Massachusetts legislators took, an elderly inmate serving a life sentence who was dying with lung asked me, "after I die, where is my body going to be buried." I did not know the answer, but I found out before I left the prison.

Aging Inmates


The Huffington Post 

Should We Discharge Terminally Ill Inmates?

On a recent trip to a medium security prison I and other Massachusetts legislators took, an elderly inmate serving a life sentence who was dying with lung asked me, "after I die, where is my body going to be buried." I did not know the answer, but I found out before I left the prison.

Aging Inmates

In states across America, there are numerous inmates serving life sentences. These inmates did awful things to earn these life sentences. Almost without exception their crime was a heinous murder or murders. Читать дальше...


Хабаровские школьники поддержали призывников концертом

В Хабаровском многопрофильном лицее состоялся концерт, посвященный Дню призывника. Школьники, политики и ветераны поздравляли будущих солдат со вступлением в ряды Вооруженных сил России и пожелали им легкой службы. Читать полностью: http://www.dvnovosti.ru/khab/2015/10/25/41346/