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Новости за 31.12.2015

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Panthers entering 2016 in a new spot _ 1st place

SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Usually around this time, the Florida Panthers are more than 10 points out of first place and languishing somewhere toward the bottom of the Eastern Conference with playof…


Panthers entering 2016 in a new spot _ 1st place

SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Usually around this time, the Florida Panthers are more than 10 points out of first place and languishing somewhere toward the bottom of the Eastern Conference with playof…

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

Panthers entering 2016 in a new spot _ 1st place

SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Usually around this time, the Florida Panthers are more than 10 points out of first place and languishing somewhere toward the bottom of the Eastern Conference with playof…

Вестник ГЛОНАСС 

Россия стала меньше зависеть от иностранных спутников

Россия значительно снизила зависимость от иностранных спутниковых данных, утверждают в Роскосмосе. В заявлении агентства это объясняется получением подобных данных от российских космических устройств.


Martech in 2015: $17B in funding, $87B in exits, and more fragmented than ever

VB INSIGHT: There has been $17 billion in funding, spread over 313 businesses, generated within the marketing technology industry this year. While that is down from last year’s impressive $47 billion total — which was distributed across 487 organizations — it is still impressive for a sector that has yet to find its footing outside of the Fortune 500. […]

The Daily Telegraph 

Miss Colombia: ‘It was a very big injustice’

MISS Colombia has told of her humiliation over the Miss Universe debacle, why she will always be the winner and what she said to a $1 million porn offer.

Sciences et Avenir  

Plongez dans l'univers des requins

Vendredi 1er janvier. 2016, une nouvelle série documentaire aux images spectaculaires, produite par la BBC, dévoile l’immense diversité des requins à travers le monde et leurs modes de vies encore méconnus, sur...

«Sport XL» (sport-xl.org) 

Чарли Остин: "Кранчар показывал высший класс"

Лидер атак английского "КПР" Чарли Остин заявил, что считает полузащитника "Динамо" Нико Кранчара лучшим игроком, с которым он играл когда-либо на футбольном поле