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Новости за 07.06.2016

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"Все-таки дура...": реакция украинцев на заявление Савченко о переговорах с Захарченко


Украинский журналист Тарас Березовец в своем Facebook заявил о разочаровании в связи с заявлением Надежды Савченко о необходимости прямых переговоров с лидерами ДНР Александром Захарченко и Игорем Плотницким. 

7 июня Савченко заявила, что выступает за прямые переговоры с самопровозглашенными республиками Донбасса. Она также предложила позиционировать Захарченко и Плотницкого, как "народных депутатов от ДНР и ЛНР". 

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Чечню завалят субсидиями

Глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров сообщил, что республика в рамках реализации подпрограммы социально-экономического развития субъектов Северо-Кавказского федерального округа (СКФО) получит 29,8 млрд руб с 2016 по 2025 год.

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Чечню завалят субсидиями

Чеченской республике будет выделено 29,8 миллиардов рублей для реализации подпрограммы социально-экономического развития субъектов СКФО с 2016 по 2025 год. Об этом заявил Рамзан Кадыров по итогам коллегии Министерства РФ по делам Северного Кавказа

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Jackie Archer receives her tickets after waiting in line for the box office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

The message "Ali is love" decorates the pavement as members of the public gather outside the box office for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Jackie Archer, from left, Kathy Wilcox and her granddaughter Aaliyah Wilcox-Chid, 6, sleep while waiting in line for the box office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky.…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Stephanie Roby, of Louisville, receives her tickets after waiting in line for the box office to open for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Gregory Penick, of Louisville, holds his tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service after waiting for the box office to open at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of Ali's Islamic…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Chester Maddox, wearing a shirt decorated with the message "R.I.P. Ali," receives his tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of Ali's Islamic faith…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Tauhdedah El-Saadiq, right, reads a Quran while waiting for the box office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall as Chester Maddox wears a shirt decorated with the message "R.I.P. Ali." Tuesday, June 7, 2016,…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Stephanie Roby, right, of Louisville, stands with an American flag-themed bag while waiting in line for the ticket office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Tauhdedah El-Saadiq, of Louisville, reads a Quran while waiting for the ticket office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

As Ali's funeral nears, Louisville remembers the Lip

Members of the public line up waiting for the ticket office to open for tickets for Muhammad Ali's Jenazah service at Freedom Hall Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Louisville, Ky. The day before his star-studded funeral, members of Ali's Islamic…