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2 More Great Posters For 'Macbeth' Arrive

2 More Great Posters For 'Macbeth' Arrive While "Macbeth" remains bizarrely, curiously, and disappointingly absent from the fall festival calendar, and by extension, the awards season race, I still can't wait to see the movie, even if Harvey Weinstein has apparently already moved on. Justin Kurzel's expressive, grim take on the Shakespeare play earned solid notices at the Cannes Film Festival, and beyond that, put Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard in anything and I'll watch the heck out of it (even "Assassin's Creed," apparently). This is all just a long-winded way of saying there are some new posters. And they are very good. There's not much else to tell you except look below. It's a pretty great treatment for the movie on this one sheet, with the Bard's already badass play looking more, well, badass. It's not easy to drum up excitement for a Shakespeare movie, all delivered in iambic pentameter no less, but certainly, there are lots of folks eager to see the film. Now imagine what would...

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