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Expats veer left and vote for change

Expats veer left and vote for change

Here’s scientific evidence: Many Swiss expatriates tend to vote left-green and tend to favour liberal ideas. Two separate reports confirm a political profile marked by openness towards the outside world and towards change. The study by political expert Michael Hermann from Zurich University endorses findings of a survey by scientists from Lausanne University. “The average Swiss expat is politically more open minded, willing to embrace reforms and therefore less conservative than the electorate at home,” concludes Hermann. This is hardly surprising for a segment of voters who have emigrated - albeit often temporarily, he admits. But the decisive factor is the social and educational background of the expats with an above average percentage of people with high professional skills and holding leading positions. “High-quality professional skills, hunger for success and a political open-mindedness of many expatriates define the profile of this group,” he says. However, ...

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