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The Bob & Chez Show Podcast: Colbert's Late Show Debut, Plus the GOP Pushes for Christian Sharia Law

The Bob & Chez Show Podcast: Colbert's Late Show Debut, Plus the GOP Pushes for Christian Sharia Law Today's topics include: Colbert's Debut on The Late Show; Christian Sharia Law on the March; Shep Smith for the Win; Sarah Palin's Incoherent Iran Speech; Huckabee Says Dred Scott is Still the Law of the Land; Trump Will Have So Much Winning; You Are the Ball Lickers; Oath Keepers Protecting Kim Davis; Ben Carson Knows About Kidneys; and much more.

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The Bob & Chez Show is a funny, fast-paced political podcast that doesn't take itself too seriously. The twice-weekly podcast is hosted by Bob Cesca (Salon.com, The Huffington Post, The Daily Banter, The Stephanie Miller Show), and CNN/MSNBC producer turned writer Chez Pazienza. Follow the show at www.bobcesca.com with special thanks to Ed Tayter.

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