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Mourinho says 'rats' in Chelsea's ranks

Mourinho says 'rats' in Chelsea's ranks

Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has declared there's "rats" in the ranks.

Mourinho made the claim when asked about his team selection for their clash with Southampton.

"I don't tell you the team," he said.

"Maybe you have some sources who can give you some tips. We trained tactically yesterday and today, so I'm sure you have some rats who can tell you what is going on.

"I was told by my assistant who stayed in London and didn't travel, Chris Jones, that on Tuesday they worked fantastically well. That was the first reaction.

"They could have stayed here and not shown motivation but, because they knew they could be selected for the next match, they worked very hard and well on the Tuesday.

"It's not easy to do that when the team is playing and you're not with them, but they found that motivation. So fantastic.

"Then, in the last few days, normal business, working well. With me, everyone is working well."

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