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Hogwarts Legacy early access begins on February 7

 Hogwarts Legacy early access begins on February 7

Deluxe edition owners will have a 72 hour head start on launch week.

The official launch date for Hogwarts Legacy is Friday, February 10 but, as these things go now, folks who pay extra get to slap that sorting hat on their heads a bit ahead of the class. You can get three days of early access to Hogwarts Legacy if you've bought the deluxe edition, meaning you'll jump in starting on February 7, 2023.

If you've spotted Hogwarts Legacy gameplay videos popping up across YouTube and social media already, you are not late to the party on some extra special super early access. Hogwarts Legacy partnered with content creators to grant access to the game early for promotional purposes but all the rest of the regular folks out here will be waiting for either February 7 or 10 to play, depending on which version you've bought.

Hogwarts Legacy early access unlock details 

Hogwarts Legacy early access begins on Tuesday, February 7 for players who pre-ordered the deluxe edition, 72 hours ahead of its official launch on Friday, February 10. You can find both the normal and deluxe editions on Steam or the Epic Games Store.

As of February 1, WB Games support has said "we don't have any details about specific release times for early access," but to check the official accounts for Hogwarts Legacy closer to launch for that information. So we don't know yet precisely what time on February 7 folks will be booting the game up.

An additional source of information will be the launch week livestreams that Portkey Games is hosting. There will be an "early release Q&A and launch livestream" on February 7 at 8 am PT (11 am ET and 4 pm GMT) hosted by one of its community managers over on the Hogwarts Legacy YouTube channel and Avalanche Software Twitch channel.

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