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Noomi Rapace Joins Michael Mann's 'Enzo Ferrari' Starring Christian Bale, Paramount Picks Up Film

Noomi Rapace Joins Michael Mann's 'Enzo Ferrari' Starring Christian Bale, Paramount Picks Up Film "Blackhat" may have tanked, but it speaks to the respect Michael Mann has in the industry, not to mention the star power of Christian Bale, that the director's next movie has found a major studio distribution home. And today news has arrived for the project that is coming together to shoot next summer. THR reports that Noomi Rapace is in talks to join "Enzo Ferrari." Based on Brock Yates’ book “Enzo Ferrari: The Man, the Cars, the Races” with a script by Troy Kennedy Martin (“The Italian Job”) and David Rayfield (“Out of Africa”), the film tells story of the founder of one of the most famous car company's in the world. A romance will feature as part of the story, and I'd presume that would be the one between Bale's Enzo Ferrari and Rapace's Laura Dominica, the carmaker's wife. Paramount Pictures has picked up the distribution rights to the movie, with Vendian and YooZoo Bliss Fund putting in the money for the $80...

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