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Russia Claims Bulgaria Actively Seeking New South Stream Talks

Bulgarian authorities are pushing hard for new negotiations on the South Stream pipeline project, a Russian Deputy Energy Minister has said.

South Stream was ditched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in December of 2014. It was designed to carry gas under the Black Sea to Central Europe via Bulgaria and Serbia, but Putin cited EU opposition, which resulted in Sofia not issuing construction permits for the offshore section, as a reason to end the project.

But on Thursday Yury Sentyurin, Russian Deputy Energy Minister, was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying his ministry had received information that Bulgaria was working to renew the pipeline project.

"At list this is the information that reached our ministry," Sentyurin told reporters.

Russian daily Vzglyad reminds that Bulgarian MPs already turned down a proposal by nationalist Ataka party (one known for its staunchly pro-Russian positions) to renew construction activities.

Earlier this year, reports had emerged that South Stream was to be restarted, but both countries' governments dismissed them.

Thursday's developments, however, follow Russian energy giant Gazprom's announcement made at the end of February that a new Black Sea gas supply route will be used for deliveries to Greece and further on to Italy - a move that fuelled speculation the so-called ITGI Poseidon project was aimed at reviving South Stream and would bring Russian gas back to Bulgaria.



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