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Watch: New ‘Knight Of Cups’ Featurette & Clips Plus Nick Kroll, Thomas Lennon & Joe Lo Truglio Talk Making The Film

Watch: New ‘Knight Of Cups’ Featurette & Clips Plus Nick Kroll, Thomas Lennon & Joe Lo Truglio Talk Making The Film Oh, Terrence Malick, have ye forsaken us? Many of us were split on his last film, “To The Wonder,” which began to see the director border on self-parody — shots of actors in various states of repose or twirling around with plenty of existential questions about the meaning of life delivered in voiceover. Some argued that “To The Wonder” was narrative-free and one long trailer for a Terrence Malick movie, while others found poetry in the experimental nature of a film built on pure emotion and feeling rather than story. It seems like the debate about Malick’s newer direction won't end with “Knight Of Cups,” a romantic drama about longing and searching that seems cut from the same stylistic cloth as “To The Wonder.” ‘Cups’ centers on a aimless Hollywood screenwriter (Christian Bale) with no sense of purpose, trying to find meaning in his empty, drug and sex-fueled life. Caught between two women, his ex (Cate Blanchett) and a new love (Natalie Portman), the writer wanders Hollywood...

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