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Rendez-Vous With French Cinema Review: 'Parisienne' Starring Manal Issa, Dominique Blanc And Waleed Zuaiter

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema Review: 'Parisienne' Starring Manal Issa, Dominique Blanc And Waleed Zuaiter The original French title of “Parisienne” is “Peur de Rien,” which literally translated means “Fear of Nothing.” And in the first few moments of the film, young Lina (Manal Issa) shows both remarkable bravery and deserved terror. She is a college student who has just moved from Beirut to the Parisian suburbs in 1993, and shortly after arriving at her aunt’s home, her uncle (Waleed Zuaiter) attempts to rape her. She fights back fiercely, fleeing into the uncertain night. “Parisienne” captures her fear as she runs through the dark streets, a triumph of both the actress' performance and cinematographer Hélène Louvart's work. What follows could have been another coming-of-age drama about a young woman finding herself, her intellect and her sexuality in the city, except for two important elements that set the film apart: Lina’s status as a new immigrant and a rare gem of a turn from newcomer Issa. Like Lina, director Danielle Arbid left Lebanon for Paris to study, and...

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