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Watch: New International Trailer For 'Warcraft' Unleashes An Epic Fantasy Battle

Watch: New International Trailer For 'Warcraft' Unleashes An Epic Fantasy Battle With movies based on branded entertainment and licensed product, it's never about just one movie. When "Warcraft" opens this summer, both Universal and Blizzard Entertainment are hoping the video-game adaptation will become a franchise, and even director Duncan Jones has visions of a trilogy dancing in his brain. READ MORE: Discuss: Are We On The Cusp Of A Video Game Movie Revolution? "When working on this film, we worked incredibly closely with Blizzard, and I personally got the chance to work with Chris Metzen, who does a lot of the storytelling at Blizzard. And we worked out if we did get the chance to do three films to tell a story, this would be the first piece, and we kind of have an idea of what we would do with 2 and 3. I want to be the guy to deliver that," he told press at Comic-Con last summer (via The Verge). "I feel very privileged, uniquely privileged, that I got the chance to start a franchise of films — if we get the opportunity to make more....

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