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ANC retains power in North West

ANC retains power in North West

The ANC has retained power in all its 18 municipalities in North West, but failed to register an outright majority in the Rustenburg municipality.


Rustenburg - The African National Congress retained power in all its 18 municipalities in North West, but failed to register an out right majority at the fiercely contested Rustenburg municipality.

The ANC secured 43 seats in Rustenburg with 48.55 percent, while the EFF won five wards and secured 24 seats.

The Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD) formed by former ANC councillors who were not happy with the party's candidate selection process, obtained four seats.

The ANC won the controversial and also hotly contested Tlokwe/Ventersdorp municipality with 50, 86 percent, securing 34 seats.

The ANC in North West on Friday said people in the province have showed confidence in the organisation.

“The people of Bokone Bophirima [North West] have again showed confidence in their organisation, the ANC, without flinching and we commit to heighten and speed up service delivery. It's vivid that the people of Bokone Bophirima believe that it is only the ANC that can improve their socio-economic conditions.”

“Collectively with our people the ANC will be able to enhance economic growth and service delivery changes the shape and form of our villages, townships and small dorpies (villages). Your continued support encourages and propels us to stand firm on our pursuit to economic emancipation,” said provincial secretary Dakota Legoete.

“We are very humbled by the confidence shown to us by our electorate in making sure that we retain and control all the four district and 18 local municipalities in the province, thus renewing our mandate to propel the delivery of sustainable service delivery to our communities.”

African News Agency

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