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Watch: Roman Polanksi Directed Short Film 'A Therapy' Starring Helena Bonham Carter & Ben Kingsley

Watch: Roman Polanksi Directed Short Film 'A Therapy' Starring Helena Bonham Carter & Ben Kingsley You don’t generally expect actors with profiles like Ben Kingsley and Helena Bonham Carter to show up in a three-and-a-half minute short. They have the kind of clout and respect that they can whatever the hell they want. HBC is married to Tim Burton, and Kingsley is both a knight and the villain in a Marvel movie, for crying out loud. Then again, when the short in question, "A Therapy," is directed by Roman Polanski, not to mention bankrolled by Prada, such a cast starts to make a bit more sense. As you probably imagined, fashion is at the forefront of this 2012 short, from the sharp suit of Kinglsey’s nonverbal therapist to Bonham Carter’s vivid purple and red ensemble. And oddly enough, there are a number of Prada labels prominently featured here. More than your average short film, this a commercial, but Prada’s not your run of the mill clothing manufacturer, so you don’t expect them to deliver an average advertisement. This isn’t the first time they’ve...

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