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John Cusack Says Hollywood Is A "Whorehouse" That "Eats Young Actors Up And Spits Them Out"

John Cusack Says Hollywood Is A It appears this is the week where Hollywood actors have decided to let off a bit of steam. First it was Miles Teller dissing (but not really) the cash cow "Divergent," and now it's John Cusack taking a dig at the industry and its attitudes towards young actors, older actors and women in general. “It’s a whorehouse and people go mad,” the "Maps To The Star" actor told The Guardian, talking about the industry, and he observes that it's not a great place to be right now, no matter your age or gender. “I got another 15, 20 years before they say I’m old. For women it’s brutal. [Screenwriter] Bruce [Wagner]’s thing about if you’re 26, you’re menopausal? It’s only absurd because it’s a little bit further than the truth,” Cusack says. “I have actress friends who are being put out to pasture at 29. They just want to open up another can of hot 22. It’s becoming almost like kiddie porn. It’s fucking weird.” "People would look after you when I was a kid,” Cusack...

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