
Новости за 29.04.2016


Elisabeth Moss Will Tell 'The Handmaid's Tale' On Hulu

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. l'm not sure how things are elsewhere, but at least in her native Canada, author Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" is required high school reading for many. The acclaimed novel won the Booker Prize in 1986 along with countless other honors, and was adapted into a 1990 feature film written by Harold Pinter, and directed by Volker Schlondorff. Читать дальше...


Jamie Foxx To Lead Long Developing R-Rated Puppet Noir 'The Happytime Murders'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Since 2008, fans of the Jim Henson Company have been salivating about "The Happytime Murders," a decidedly R-rated puppet noir, which, as you might expect, isn't the easiest thing to get made. But we're in the post-"Deadpool" era where anything irreverent and filthy seems to have a better chance at going into production... Читать дальше...


Video Game 'Shinobi' Is Headed To The Big Screen Because There Aren't Enough Ninja Movies

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Believe it or not, I once played video games, and back in the day a game that took up a lot of time on my Sega Master System was "Shinobi." In the game, you played Joe Musashi, a master ninja who had to rescue students from some terrorist bad guys. No, it wasn't sophisticated, but it was fun, and spawned a series of games. Читать дальше...


Penélope Cruz To Star In Road Movie 'Layover'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Lately, Penélope Cruz has been flexing her comedy muscles, taking unlikely roles in "Zoolander 2" and "The Brothers Grimsby." But it seems she's got big Hollywood laughers out of her system, and she's pivoting toward a project that's more her usual cup of tea. READ MORE: Review: 'The Brothers Grimsby' Starring Sacha Baron Cohen... Читать дальше...


Marion Cotillard And Guillaume Canet Play 'Rock 'n' Roll'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Partners in life, Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have also carried over their relationship into their careers. Canet, who once starred opposite Cotillard in "Love Me If You Dare" before they were together, has directed the actress in the ensemble drama "Little White Lies" and the gritty '70s-set "Blood Ties." Now he's going to do it again... Читать дальше...


Marion Cotillard And Guillaume Canet Play 'Rock 'n Roll'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Partners in life, Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have also carried over their relationship into their careers. Canet, who once starred opposite Cotillard in "Love Me If You Dare" before they were together, has directed the actress in the ensemble drama "Little White Lies," and the gritty '70s set "Blood Ties." Now he's going to do it again... Читать дальше...


Watch: Trailer For Sci-Fi 'Andròn' Starring Alec Baldwin

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore; we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. "Andròn" apparently was on the festival circuit last year, but this is the first I'm hearing of its existence. But at any rate, the sci-fi movie now has a trailer and the compelling point of interest is Alec Baldwin, who takes a starring role in the kind of genre movie he doesn't generally do.  READ MORE:... Читать дальше...


Watch: Baz Luhrmann On Prince's Unreleased Song For 'The Great Gatsby,' 'The Get Down,' More In 56-Minute Talk

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. It's been over a week since Prince passed away, and the stories about his work, creativity, generosity, and impact are still being shared. And another fascinating nugget comes from director Baz Luhrmann, who was on hand last week at the Tribeca Film Festival to participate in a career-spanning conversation. Читать дальше...


Screenwriter Talks George Miller's More Intellectually Ambitious Version Of 'Contact'

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. George Miller's career has a couple of what-could-have-beens, most notably his aborted "Justice League" movie. But also among the movies he nearly made is "Contact," the pretty good 1997 Robert Zemeckis sci-fi film starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. Based on the novel by Carl Sagan, who only wrote... Читать дальше...


New Trailer For The Provocative 'Bang Gang: A Modern Love Story' Gets Naked

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Last year, the festival circuit offered two French films that pushed the sexual envelope. Of course, there was Gaspar Noé's "Love," which earned the most attention thanks to its unsimulated sex scenes presented in 3D, and then there was Eva Husson's debut feature "Bang Gang: A Modern Love Story" which pretty... Читать дальше...


20th Century Fox Exits San Diego Comic Con Over Piracy Fears

Every year there's a conversation about which studios will or won't show up at San Diego Comic Con. However, in 2016, that chatter now has a twist, with one major studio skipping the weekend for reasons that speak to the social media age. 20th Century Fox has decided not to showcase their upcoming slate at SDCC, reportedly over fears that the trailers and footage cut for the event would be leaked or pirated. And it's a legitimate concern. The past few years have seen trailers leak out of the halls of Comic Con... Читать дальше...


Review: 'Mother's Day' Starring Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Jason Sudeikis and More

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. For a passive-aggressive Mother’s Day gift, I recommend taking your mom to the film of the same name. If you haven’t quite found the present that says, “Mom, I hate you for bringing me into the world,” this is the (movie) ticket. Somehow inferior to both its celebratory predecessors “New Year’s Eve” and “Valentine’s... Читать дальше...


Watch: New Extended Trailer For 'Me Before You' Starring Emilia Clarke And Sam Claflin

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. While I've more than once pointed out that standard template used by comic book movies, it's not the only genre that has a winning formula. The weepie romance also has a blueprint familiar to audiences, and while you'll probably see every moment of the upcoming "Me Before You" coming from three miles away, for certain viewers... Читать дальше...


Mads Mikkelsen Reveals His 'Rogue One' Role, Rian Johnson Contribues To 'Star Wars: Bloodline' Book

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Earlier this week, Mads Mikkelsen headed to France where he was given the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters for his acting talents, with his "The Hunt" director Thomas Vinterberg, also receiving the same honor. So Mikkelsen was in a pretty good mood when he sat down with Kay Burley of Sky News, where... Читать дальше...


'The Punisher' Series Officially Ordered By Marvel And Netflix

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. The rumblings of a spinoff series focused on Marvel vigilante Punisher first started at the beginning of the year, but it's gone from rumor to real. Fans who dug Jon Bernthal as the no-holds-barred anti-hero in "Daredevil" season two are going to be getting a lot more. READ MORE: Review: Jon Bernthal's Punisher... Читать дальше...


New Images From Woody Allen's 'Café Society' With Jesse Eisenberg & Kristen Stewart, Summer Release Date Set

From Monday, May 2nd we won't be here anymore, we'll be at our shiny new site, THEPLAYLIST.NET. Update your bookmarks, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter for a shot at winning an iPad. Just like it's been for the last few years, you'll be getting your annual summer dose of Woody Allen. The prolific director has "Café Society" ready to roll at the Cannes Film Festival next month, and for those of us who won't be in the south of France, we won't have to wait long to soak up his fizzy Hollywood comedy. Читать дальше...


Watch: Ryan Gosling And Russell Crowe Get Vintage With '70s Style Retro Trailer For 'The Nice Guys'

This summer, at least for a brief moment, Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe are going to make disco, polyester clothes, and outrageous facial hair cool again in "The Nice Guys." And to go with the '70s set action comedy, Warner Bros. has put together a pretty nifty retro style trailer for flick. Looking like it was pulled out of a box in some archive hidden away in a studio warehouse, the cleverly aged promo features old school voiceover, vintage title treatment, and video that looks like it's been warped with time. Читать дальше...


Watch: Mark Strong Goes To Mars In Trailer For 'Approaching The Unknown'

Mars has fascinated astronomers and filmmakers in equal measure. Ever since 1918's "A Trip to Mars," filmmakers have been eager to journey to the red planet. Some of the more memorable movies to land on Mars include "Total Recall" and last year's Oscar-nominated Matt Damon vehicle, "The Martian." With President Obama's recent declaration that a manned mission to Mars could be viable for orbit by the 2030s, our overall renewed fascination with the fourth planet from the sun, and "The Martian" racking... Читать дальше...


Review: Tender But Uneven Drag Queen Tale 'Viva'

There’s two identities at war with themselves in director Paddy Breathnach’s tender, but uneven “Viva,” a queer-positive movie about drag queens, queer communities and self-expression in the slums of Havana, and a father and son story about estrangement and reconciliation. In truth, these interwoven ideas should be complementary; a homophobic and domineering father, a gay and timid son and the young man’s discovery of a passionate creative outlet in the midst of bleak poverty and few opportunities: the cathartic escapism of drag expressiveness.