
Новости за 05.03.2024


Heather Cerlan leads ex-Bethesda team to make multiplayer co-op RPG simulation

Heather Cerlan, a senior artist who has worked on a dozen triple-A games, is leading a team of nine ex-Bethesda Game Studios developers working on a new game. The team making a multiplayer/co-op RPG simulation game under a mysterious new studio whose name isn’t disclosed yet. The Maryland-focused team is pitching to raise money now, […]


Mattel kicks off self-publishing for games

Mattel is kicking off its self-published games where it will work with closely with big and small devs making Mattel-branded games. Mike DeLaet, global head of digital gaming at El Segundo, California-based Mattel, said in an interview with GamesBeat that this is the next chapter in the mission to grow the company’s footprint in digital […]


31% of U.S. tech workers put in less than 40 hours per week

SPONSORED JOBS: While expensive cars or holidays to Europe might have been seen in the past as the ultimate barometers of career success, today work-life balance and an employer that facilitates well-being, both during and outside of working hours, is the ultimate goal. And although tech has been getting a bad rap of late thanks to mass […]