
Новости за 19.07.2024

Sport24 (Football) 

Premier League: nouvel échec pour le rachat d'Everton

La vente d'Everton au groupe Friedkin n'aura pas lieu faute d'accord avec les investisseurs américains a annoncé vendredi le club de Premier League, moins d'un mois après l'échec d'une précédente tentative avec un fonds d'investissement basé à Miami.


«Соперник хорошо комбинировал». Вратарь «Ружомберока» рассказал о поражении «Тоболу» в Лиге Европы

Вратарь словацкого «Ружомберока» Томаш Фрювальд прокомментировал выход во второй отборочный раунд Лиги Европы по итогам двух матчей с костанайским «Тоболом» (5:2, 0:1), передает Sports.kz.


Chwalińska idzie jak burza

Polka awansowała do półfinału turnieju ITF na kortach twardych w Porto. W piątek Maja Chwalińska była zdecydowanie lepsza niż rozstawiona z numerem drugim Arianne Hartono.


Aufsteiger Union und der HSV eröffnen Saison der 2. Frauen-Bundesliga

Der DFB hat den Spielplan für die 2. Frauen-Bundesliga veröffentlicht. Neben dem Duell zwischen Union Berlin und dem HSV bietet der 1. Spieltag unter anderem auch das fränkisch-bayrische Aufeinandertreffen zwischen Erstliga-Absteiger Nürnberg und dem FC Ingolstadt.

Modern Ghana News (Sports) 

Mahama promises to address accommodation shortages in universities

Former President John Dramani Mahama has pledged that the next National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration will tackle the accommodation issues faced by university students across the country. In a recent address to students at the University of Ghana in Accra, Mr Mahama outlined his plan to collaborate with the private sector to construct new hostels and provide adequate accommodation for students.

Modern Ghana News (Sports) 

Former CID boss questions Deputy IGP in charge of operations appointment

Mr. Bright Oduro, former Director-General of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service, has criticized the government 39;s decision to create a new, non-existent office for the recently appointed Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Christian Tetteh Yohonu.

Modern Ghana News (Sports) 

Accra-Tema Motorway: DAF fuel tanker, sprinter bus collision causes huge traffic

An accident involving a DAF fuel tanker and a Sprinter bus has occurred on the Accra-Tema Motorway on Friday, 19 July 2024. The accident has caused significant traffic congestion. Emergency crews from the Motorway Fire Station are currently on the scene, working to rescue trapped victims.