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Новости за 10.05.2024 


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«The Local» ( 

When should you consider a prenup in Germany?

Like many countries, Germany allows prenuptial agreements which can simplify asset division if marriage ends in divorce. Not every marrying couple needs one, but there are certain cases where it makes sense, a German lawyer told The Local. (en) 

Taylor Swift fever grips Paris at start of Europe tour

Taylor Swift-fever struck Paris on Thursday as the highest-grossing tour in history finally arrived in Europe, with fans treated to the first-ever performance of songs from her latest album. Story by France 2 and Charlotte Hughes.

Sporting News 

レバークーゼンの実現なるか? シーズン無敗を達成したサッカークラブ『インビンシブルズ』たち

日本時間4月15日(月)のブンデスリーガ第29節でレバークーゼンがブレーメンを破りクラブ初のリーグ優勝を決めた。レバークーゼンはこのまま今シーズンを無敗で終えることができるか? ここでは、過去にシーズン無敗を達成したクラブの中から特に有名な例を紹介する。

The Tilehurst End 

Reading Women Deserve Better

Photo by Eddie Keogh - The FA/The FA via Getty Images

Like the men’s side, Reading Women have been through the wringer in recent years. For Alex, improving their situation should be a priority for any new owners.

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Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Am I missing something?

Having said the above, Bentley does have a better appearance ratio on these numbers which is fair enough. However his combination of suspensions, dismissals, injuries over the time he's been with us hardly represents good value for money does it? He's also too small. Fus is a better player than Bentley - and when we re-signed Fus we had less depth at wing, compared to lots of depth in the back row when we re-signed Bentley.

You could make a case that neither player should have been retained, although hindsight is a wonderful thing. Читать дальше...