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Новости за 10.05.2024 

An Ode to the Sound Naboo Blasters Make

The sonic background of Star Wars is almost unmatched for legendary, immediately recognizable callouts. The snap-hiss of an igniting lightsaber. The penetrating wail of a TIE Fighter shrieking into view, the alien cacophony of Mos Eisley cantina. The prequels added to this catalogue massively, from the quivering bass…

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The fu#king idiot thread

The Lounge

Statistics : 222 Replies || 2529 Views Last post by Jorge 

Beautiful weather into the first half of the weekend

What We’re Tracking Mostly clear and comfortably cool tonight with temperatures falling into the upper 40s to lower 50s by early in the day on Friday. Not much cloud cover expected for the start of the day Friday, but a few afternoon clouds with a high in the upper 70s. By the weekend, sunshine should [...]