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Новости за 20.09.2015

«Петербургский дневник» 

Путину показали, как ликвидируют террористов

На стратегических командно-штабных учениях "Центр-2015" в Оренбургской области, где сейчас находится президент России Владимир Путин, продемонстрировали, как происходит ликвидация террористической группировки.

Chicago Sun-Times 

Spygate in ’42? Bears, Cardinals renew rivalry

Two men in topcoats tried pushing through the gates to get to practice. One took out a notebook and started scribbling. When Chicago Cardinals head coach Jimmy Conzelman noticed, he took chase after them outside the team’s field on 82nd Street and Yates Avenue. The men were faster, though, reached a green car and sped […]

The Huffington Post 

A Pope That Congress Should Listen To

When the Pope takes center stage in the heart of the nation's capital next Thursday, Americans will be enthralled.  This Pope has done more to take on the establishment he leads than any other Vatican leader in our lifetime.  And he has done so with grace, energy, and determination.  Our political leaders will all be there watching him.  They should learn from him too.

When I served in the heart of a Catholic village in Costa Rica as an environmental education Peace Corps Volunteer in the 1990's, I was new to the power of the Pope. Читать дальше...

Breaking News 

1961 Beatles contract sold for $90k

A New York auction house has sold the first recording contract ever signed by the Beatles for more than $90,000.

Le Parisien 

EN IMAGES : 5000 zombies envahissent Strasbourg

Certains passants ont sans doute pris leurs jambes à leur cou. D'autres ont dû se croire transportés dans la fameuse série américaine «Walking dead». Blessures purulentes, visages livides et flots...

Mundo Deportivo 

Marco Asensio enciende la luz

El cambio de sistema defensivo no acabó con los malos vicios atrás de este comienzo de temporada. El Espanyol encadenó pronto, a los 19 minutos, una serie de errores atrás que tuvieron como consecuencia el gol de Agirretxe y se complicó el encuentro...

"Русская Служба Новостей" (РСН) 

В Омске в ДТП с участием бензовоза пострадало четыре человека

Крупная авария произошла в ночь на воскресенье, 20 сентября, на мосту имени 60-летия ВЛКСМ в Омске. Напротив ледового дворца «Арена Омск» столкнулись бензовоз, внедорожник и несколько легковых автомобилей.

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Las Vegas Review-Journal 

Sanders' message smacks Obama's reign

It's not particularly noteworthy that a presidential candidate should go to Liberty University, a conservative evangelical college, and deliver a tough critique of President Barack Obama's record. It is unusual when the critique is delivered by a Democratic candidate who's challenging Hillary Clinton from the left. Yet that's what Sen. Bernie Sanders did on Monday.