Новости по-русски

Новости за 14.12.2016

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

Try this filling and satisfying salad for your winter-blahs

Winter is upon us. I live in San Diego, and let's be honest: The notion of us slogging through a frigid few months awaiting spring's thaw is ridiculous. Yet, I'm cold. It's chilly and cloudy and yes, sometimes, even rainy.

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

Try this filling and satisfying salad for your winter-blahs

Winter is upon us. I live in San Diego, and let's be honest: The notion of us slogging through a frigid few months awaiting spring's thaw is ridiculous. Yet, I'm cold. It's chilly and cloudy and yes, sometimes, even rainy.

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

Try this filling and satisfying salad for your winter-blahs

Winter is upon us. I live in San Diego, and let's be honest: The notion of us slogging through a frigid few months awaiting spring's thaw is ridiculous. Yet, I'm cold. It's chilly and cloudy and yes, sometimes, even rainy.

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Try this filling and satisfying salad for your winter-blahs

Winter is upon us. I live in San Diego, and let's be honest: The notion of us slogging through a frigid few months awaiting spring's thaw is ridiculous. Yet, I'm cold. It's chilly and cloudy and yes, sometimes, even rainy.


Артём Франков - об удалении Мораеса в матче с "Шахтёром": "Это что ж такое Кучер должен был ему сказать?!"

Главный редактор журнала "Футбол" и член исполкома ФФУ Артём Франков прокомментировал скандальное удаление нападающего "Динамо" Жуниора Мораеса в матче с "Шахтёром".

Блог сайта «Вторая улица» 
