
Новости за 12.01.2024

RIA Novosti  

Attacks on Yemen Put US on 'Very Slippery Slope' to War

The United States and Britain made headlines today by carrying out a series of air and missile strikes against Sanaa, ostensibly in retaliation for the Houthi attacks on Israeli-linked cargo ships that the Yemeni movement conducts in response to Israel’s campaign in the Gaza Strip.

RIA Novosti  

How Will Yemen Attacks Affect Global Oil Market?

Following the overnight joint US-UK attack against the Yemeni Houthis, there is major uncertainty regarding global oil prices that may skyrocket if there is serious military escalation. But there is a catch, it seems.

RIA Novosti  

How Exactly Did the US and UK Attack Yemen?

Washington and London's military forces launched a series of missile and air strikes against Yemen on Thursday night, allegedly against Houthi targets.

RIA Novosti  

Nikki Haley Hopes For Boost From Former Christie Supporters

With the Iowa caucus set to kick off the election season in earnest next week, the question of whether any Republican will rise to seriously challenge former US President Donald Trump is about to get much clearer.

RIA Novosti  

Yemen's Houthis Threaten 'High Price' for US, UK Massive Strikes

The US and Britain have already launched 23 strikes on targets in four Yemeni provinces, local authorities told Sputnik. President Biden confirmed US and allied military strikes against the Houthis in Yemen, called them a response to a threat to freedom of navigation.

RIA Novosti  

Speaker Johnson Facing Same Threats as McCarthy

In October of last year, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his position after a group of Republican representatives rebelled against party leadership and joined with Democrats to remove him from his post.

RIA Novosti  

US Recognizes Gaza Facing Real Food Security Issues - White House

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States acknowledges that Gaza residents are suffering from real food security issues amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said on Thursday.